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味滋廚房 Maisie BeBe: 情人節﹣紅色天鵝絨紙杯蛋糕 Valentine's Day﹣Red Velvet Cupcakes

2014年2月13日 星期四

情人節﹣紅色天鵝絨紙杯蛋糕 Valentine's Day﹣Red Velvet Cupcakes

情人節﹣紅色天鵝絨紙杯蛋糕 Valentine's Day﹣Red Velvet Cupcakes
情人節﹣紅色天鵝絨紙杯蛋糕 Valentine's Day﹣Red Velvet Cupcakes
情人節﹣紅色天鵝絨紙杯蛋糕 Valentine's Day﹣Red Velvet Cupcakes
情人節﹣紅色天鵝絨紙杯蛋糕 Valentine's Day﹣Red Velvet Cupcakes
材料:(這份量可做 12 cupcakes. 如要做多的就份量, 材料加一倍就成啦!) 

中筋麵粉 1 1/ 3 Cup All-purpose flour
無糖巧克力粉 3 tbsp Unsweetened cocoa powder

小蘇打 1/4 tsp Baking soda
鹽 1/2 tsp Salt(如果用有鹽牛油那就不用加鹽)
泡打粉 1tsp baking powder

牛油 1/4 cup butter, softened
白糖 3/4 cup white sugar 
大雞蛋 2 large eggs 
白脱牛奶 3/4 cup buttermilk 

白醋 2 tsp white vinegar 
雲呢拿香油1 tsp vanilla extract 


預熱焗爐 350F(176C)
在容器內加入中筋麵粉+泡打粉+小蘇打+無糖巧克力粉+鹽 (如果用有鹽牛油那就不用加鹽) 一起篩過和攪勻。



均勻後就把篩過的粉類倒進糊內用手攪拌器攪至均勻. 最後用勺子灌入紙杯盤內。

放入預熱350度的焗爐中焗 23﹣25分鐘,(都係個句:每家焗爐大少和溫度有別。第一次焗的朋友,自己要睇火捉緊時間)轉移到架上和完全冷卻就成了。冷卻後就可以按個人喜歡做裝飾 buttercream/ creamcheese/ whipped cream 唧花. 玫瑰花用1M & 2D Wilton tip. To make a rose just simply start from the middle and pipe a small amount of buttercream into the centre then slowly work your way around going anti-clockwise that it!!

buttercream rose (2D wilton tip)
情人節﹣紅色天鵝絨紙杯蛋糕 Valentine's Day﹣Red Velvet Cupcakes
情人節﹣紅色天鵝絨紙杯蛋糕 Valentine's Day﹣Red Velvet Cupcakes


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